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Mosquito Light Trap - Dynafog[8 Feb. 2011, 10:38:07]
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MOSQUITO LIGHT TRAP adalah alat penangkap nyamuk dalam keadaan hidup yang banyak digunakan untuk penelitian serangga ini.

It has been proven over the last several years that the using a CDC type Miniature Light Trap provides an excellent method of attracting a large quantity and species of mosquitoes. The Model 2504 trap design is patterned after the light trap originally developed by the United States Centers For Disease Control. Once collected the insects can then be identified and counted to provide a statistical representation of the population density and type of species in any given area. Collecting a sample of mosquitoes using this light trap can provide invaluable information necessary for evaluation and control of the mosquito population.


Power Supply: 6 volts DC
Current Draw: 350 ma
Motor Speed: 2500 RPM
Fan Diameter: 3 In. ( 7.6 cm)
Light Bulb Number: 44
Weight 1 lbs.12 oz. ( .82 kg) ( w/ o Batteries)
Shipping Weight: ( 1) unit/ carton = 4.5 lbs. ( 2.0 kg)
( 4) units/ carton = 20 lbs. ( 9.0 kg)
Shipping Dimensions: 1 unit = 15.5" ( 39.4cm) x 4.8" ( 12.2cm)
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